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Life health before pregnancy

Life health before pregnancy 

Life health before pregnancy
Life health before pregnancy

Smoking and pregnancy : 

- Most women realize the importance of the care of their bodies during pregnancy, but it is also important to follow a healthy lifestyle before considering pregnancy.  

- Smoking:

Smoking a basic factors that can affect the health of the fetus , if you smoke you should stop immediately and before thinking about pregnancy : expectant mother whose fetus smoke exposure to many problems such as incomplete or grow its small size and weight than normal . 

Smoking also increases the chances of miscarriage , stillbirth or deformed child .
If one parent smokes That increases the risk of early death of a child in the first birth.

- The greater the greater the risk of smoking on the child . 

- Smoking deprives the baby of oxygen, leading to his death or deformity .
- If a parent smokes , the greater the chance of fetal exposure to many problems such as incomplete growth , or the birth of a child less than normal weight.
- Contractions of the muscles of the man and pains that occur in men , a sign of problems and irregularities in the circulation as a result of smoking.

- Passive smoking : 

Inhalation of cigarette smoke from people who smoke Jaywalk can also cause health problems for your child.
So if the husband was a smoker to refrain from smoking for the health of your baby.
And young children who are exposed to the smell of smoke are more susceptible to disease, bronchitis , asthma , and can suffer a lot of problems in growth .
Healthy pregnancy health pregnancy healthy pregnancy , healthy pregnancy health pregnancy healthy pregnancy

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