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Scalp fungus disease ( disease favus ) is a contagious disease usually affects children from the age of 3-31 years , and adults often resistance against the disease , due to the presence of fatty acids , which covers the surface of the scalp .

Infection occurs commonly among school students in crowded places such as refugee camps as a result of direct infection . It has been observed that the incidence in males than in females , because the male hair is usually short and thus facilitates access to the scalp fungus and cause infection under certain circumstances.

Ways of transmission
Sources of infection disease favus many , including:

Non- contaminated tools : brush hair comb and other energy .

Direct infection : occur , especially among school students , and it must be noted here that should alert the students to get rid of some habits , such as rounded head of the head by teammate and friction , especially when speaking in a low voice during the lesson or play .

Pets: like cats and dogs , as some of them may be infected with fungal borne to pamper children , especially when those animals or play with it .

Symptoms of Hair Loss
As a result of the invasion of fungi article keratinocytes of the hair and skin together , this leads to the disintegration of those materials and thus to hair loss in the affected area , and show that in the form of a circular free of long hair as the hair emerges like a snipped on the surface of the scalp , and this is what differentiates disease favus disease alopecia where Vixen areas be smooth hair-free .

Favus superficial area covers are an important source of infection , fungi may invade certain areas of the scalp and may stabilize or abandoned by them to another area is made up of citizens of other circular shape. The reason for the emergence of circular shape is that the fungus begins its activity from the middle , where they feed on the material , even if there keratinocytes Astnfdtha moved to the parties away from the place of injury .

Favus disease usually diagnosed easily by a specialist doctor , but sometimes you may have to perform lab analysis of peel and hair in order to determine the type of fungus . The severity of the disease varies by species favus fungus causing the infection Some of them lead to the emergence of a spot or more . The others include the most impact area of the scalp and lead to hair loss from most parts of the scalp . The third type leads to the appearance of abscesses and severe infections , especially those fungi that is transmitted by animals and cause permanent baldness in these affected areas as a result of the destruction of the hair follicle in them.

The fungus disease that might affect other areas away from the scalp , especially between the thighs and armpits , chest and extremities and leads to the appearance of spots is circular in shape . As well as the affects on the nails and between the fingers and leads to change the color of the nails and fragmentation .

Methods of prevention
Must explain the nature of the disease and ways to favus infection to parents to help them so that their child in the care of the injured and prevent others from infection with the following note :

Accustom children to commit to using only their personal effects and non-use tools especially with regard to non- hair brush and comb and energy .

Accustom children on hygiene since childhood special care of the cleanliness of the scalp twice a week at least .. and by using the right shampoo and the need to rinse the head thoroughly with water to remove the remaining sediment harmful .

Lack of friction with wounded .

Get rid of pets like cats and dogs if they are infected .

What are the guidelines for people living with favus ?

You must boil energy or even Cape infection does not occur , or that self- up of the disease to someone else.

Must follow the doctor's instructions carefully and use the treatment for a period determined by , as the non- completion of treatment may lead to the resumption of mushrooms activity once again , has been gaining some immunity from anti- Fitr and then the treatment becomes difficult.

Prefers not to go infected disease favus to school until they are cured of the disease , and after the approval of a doctor. If there is a necessity obliges the patient to go to school , as is the case during the exam period , prefer to sit away from his teammates .

And treatment of disease favus takes about two weeks duration was lengthened or shortened depending on the circumstances of the disease and the patient together , as well as by type of fungus species that causes it.

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