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Speed ​​Fitness

      Speed ​​Fitness 

Speed ​​Fitness
Speed ​​Fitness

What is the speed? 

Sport Definition: The speed is the speed Fitness ability Fitness Speed WTO move quickly through the soil or move quickly members enter or fitness throw.Speed 
The speed is not how fast you can run someone (or biking, swimming , etc), fitness gear, but dependent Speed swiftness acceleration ( how fast they can accelerate from a landline) , the maximum speed movement and maintenance of speed ( minimize deceleration) . Speed whispered swiftness requires good Fitness strength and power, but too much body wingspread swiftness and air resistance can act to slow the person. In addition to a high proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers , which form of speed is essential to have effective mechanisms of movement to optimize muscle power for movement discount cheapest form these Gym technique.Speed 

Who needs speed? 

Fitness Speed whispered is one of the main components of fitness , speed Fitness important for Speed waitressing many successful fitness sports.Speed WWF some athletes , such as sprinters health aniseed WWF the swimmers speed speed fitness gym skaters bikers speed and gear, fitness gear is the most important aspect of fitness . In many other sports, speed field Fitness including sports team, good speed is also very important in the context of general profile these Fitness fitness . A vote of the best sports that require speed athletics obvious sprinters on top. See also another ranking list Gymnastics

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