The health benefits of tea , the secrets of unknown
The health benefits of tea |
The health benefits of tea , the secrets of unknown
The health benefits of tea |
The health benefits of tea , the secrets of unknown Effects of tea made from the Camellia sinless , such as black tea , oolong tea , green tea , white tea . Does not address the effects of macerating other plants referred to as varieties of tea . The health benefits of tea
Leathers has been examined since the beginning of the tea camellia sinless macerating in the water since about 2700 BC. AD . In China . Devin Farmers Herb - Classic Root said . The health benefits of tea Calibrator Chignon , Camellia sinless that macerating in water is useful for the treatment , including the treatment of tumors , abscesses , bladder infections , and lethargy . The health benefits of tea
The possibilities are proposed for the beneficial health effects of tea on the table and supported in some studies , but other studies did not find any beneficial effects . But these studies showed damage to the tea , including the effects of antioxidants such as nutrition to prevent the absorption of iron and protein , and the reason for the substance tannin . The health benefits of tea
Most of the studies were on green tea , but there are some studies on other types of tea made from the Camellia sinless , such as white tea , oolong tea and black tea . It is said that tea Aloha for atherosclerosis, LD cholesterol , cancer, inflammatory bowel disease , diabetes , liver disease , helps in weight loss , neurology , and even bad breath. Contents
1 potential benefits . The health benefits of tea
1.1 anti- cancer properties The health benefits of tea
1.2 increase metabolic rate The health benefits of tea
1.3 impact of the possibility of anti- diabetes The health benefits of tea
1.4 enhances mental alertness The health benefits of tea
1.5 boosts the immune system The health benefits of tea
1.6 reduces the chances of cognitive impairment The health benefits of tea
1.7 lowers levels of the stress hormone The health benefits of tea
1.8 Effects on HIV The health benefits of tea
1.9 Effects on inflammatory bowel disease The health benefits of tea
1.10 Effects on halitosis The health benefits of tea
1:11 disorders of iron overload The health benefits of tea
1:12 effects associated with caffeine The health benefits of tea
1:13 effects on disease sleep apnea due to the inability of the brain The health benefits of tea
1:14 effects on bacterial and fungal infections The health benefits of tea
1:15 Kalahari poison The health benefits of tea
1:16 Stroke The health benefits of tea
1.17 a healthy heart and blood vessels The health benefits of tea
1:18 tangential warts The health benefits of tea
1:19 antidepressant properties The health benefits of tea
1:20 rheumatoid arthritis The health benefits of tea
2 possible defects The health benefits of tea
2.1 effects of fluoride The health benefits of tea
2.2 effects associated with caffeine The health benefits of tea
2.3 Paola The health benefits of tea
2.4 acid, tannin ( tannins ) The health benefits of tea
2.5 Temperature hot potable The health benefits of tea
3 effect on milk tea The health benefits of tea
4 impact on citrus tea The health benefits of tea
Potential benefits The health benefits of tea
Anti- cancer properties The health benefits of tea
An article in New Scientist magazine mentions that many of the studies suggest that green tea protects against a number of cancers , including lung cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. The reason is due to the antioxidant dialectician gallant (EGG), according to Khartoum Tirana team at Kyushu University . Their research showed that the growth of lung cancer cells that have a receptor called 67 L is slowing down significantly after drinking just two or three cups of green tea , which contains EGG. The study also showed that 67 L is involved in the spread of prison diseases such as human Pretzel-Jacob ( related to mad cow disease in animals ) . This is not direct evidence of the effect of tea on prison diseases , but to indicate that the effect of EGG on 67 L is an important beginning in the search for treatment. It is known that white tea is more effective , based on the preliminary work carried out by Santana - Rios et al, . Another study showed for the life sciences Tammie newspaper that green tea , in combination with Tammie , is effective in suppressing the growth of breast cancer outside the body of the organism to human breast cancer tumors and within the body of the organism on mice . The study found in Taiwan at the University of Medicine Chung Shan that people who drank at least one cup of green tea a day were five times less likely to develop lung cancer compared with those who did not drink it . Anti- cancer effect of green tea on cancer of the stomach tested on a large scale, on the basis of population , in the future, a study group in Japan which was attended by more than 26,000 people. Several studies indicate control if there is an inverse relationship between green tea consumption and cancer of the stomach . Further evaluation is needed to assess the role of green tea to reduce gastric cancer . The health benefits of tea
Topical applications of green tea extracts EGG has protective effects on the skin damage caused by ultraviolet ( signs of aging and cancer ) . The health benefits of tea
In July 2005 AD has been revised statements of the health benefits of green tea , and the Food and Drug Administration concluded that it is highly unlikely that green tea reduces the risk of breast cancer and prostate . Management of the Food and Drug Administration believes that the evidence on the reduced risk of cancer with consumption of green tea , is backed by qualified medical statements . Increase the rate of metabolism The health benefits of tea
At the University of Geneva and the University of Birmingham conducted clinical trials indicate that green tea increases the metabolic rate and speeds up fat oxidation and improves insulin sensitivity , improves glucose susceptibility prospect . In addition to caffeine , green tea contains a substance catchingthat help in the process of thermogenesis ( the production of body heat ) , and thus increases the energy consumption. The health benefits of tea
There is also a suggestion that it could increase the affordability of exercise by improving fat metabolism . The effect of potential anti- diabetes . The health benefits of tea
There is also evidence vital that drinking green tea and black tea may help prevent diabetes , although it should be noted that this is just evidence of a link , and the need for studies in the future to make sure this effect . Enhances mental alertness . The health benefits of tea
Found the amino acid theanine - for , almost exclusively in the tea plant , which is actively alert the brain networks of attention , according to the results of experiments on humans and announced in September / September 2007 AD . Has been proposed that theanineis absorbed in the small intestine and crosses the blood-brain barrier , which affects the neurotransmitters in the brain and increases alpha waves of brain activity . The result is a state of mind calmer , more alert . The health benefits of tea
Boosts the immune system. The health benefits of tea
On April 21, 2003 AD at Brigham Women's Hospital published details of the research project which indicated that theanine may help the body's immune system response when fighting infection , by enhancing the capacity of Gamma Delta T cells to fight the disease. The study included an experiment for four weeks with 11 people, 10 people, coffee drinkers of tea drinkers , who consume 600 ml of coffee or black tea a day. The analysis found that the production of a blood sample proteins antibacterial hit five times in the bodies of those who drink tea , an indicator of a stronger immune response . The health benefits of tea
Reduces the chances of cognitive impairment . The health benefits of tea
[ The health benefits of tea
A study in 2006 that older Aliapanin who consume more than 2 cups of green tea a day had a less chance of 50 percent of the presence of cognitive impairment , compared with those who drank less than 2 cups a day , or who are taking other drinks . This is probably a result of the effect of EGCG, which passes through the blood-brain barrier . In 2010 , researchers found that people who consume tea have less cognitive decline significantly those who do not drink tea . The participants in the study who drank tea 5-10 times per year, 1-3 times per month 1-4 times per week , and more than 5 times a week had average annual rates of decline have 17% 0.32 % 0.37 % , and 26% less , respectively , than those who do not drink tea . Coffee consumption did not show any effect except on the very top level of consumption , which was associated with a significantly reduced 20 percent . The study used data from more than 4,800 men and women aged between 65 years and the largest study of the health of the heart and blood vessels to examine change in cognitive function over time . Follow-up was natural deterioration of the perception of the participants in the study for up to 14 years . (2010 AAICAD; Lenore Arab , Ph.D. ; University of California Lowers levels of the stress hormone . The health benefits of tea
A study conducted by researchers at University College London , that drinking black tea can lead to lower levels of the stress hormonecortisol after Event strung . After fifty minutes of exposure to the challenge was the people who drank four cups of black tea a day for 6 weeks , they have more than 20 % reduction in cortisol from a range of alternative therapy . Platelet activity , which is linked to blood clotting and the risk of heart attacks was also lower for tea drinkers . Effects on HIV A recent study published in the Journal of Allergy and immunological clinic was the subject of an interview on BBC News . Reported thatepigallocatechin gallate EGCG found in green tea can lead to the inhibition of HIV , and can be used as a complementary treatment for patients with HIV , but it must be noted that it " is not a cure, nor is it a safe way to avoid infection , however, suggest that used with conventional medicines to improve quality of life for people . " It was a study in vitro ( test-tube ) , and was not on living organisms , where they were testing the effects of the chemical properties of green tea . " A lot of material has shown the ability to prevent HIV infection in the test tube , but appears to have a weak effect or no effect in real life , so I think that there is a long way to go before adopting any one of the green tea for the prevention of HIV infection human . " The health benefits of tea
Effects on inflammatory bowel disease . The health benefits of tea
It was found that the polyphenols in green tea reduces the effect is linked to the ability of tea to cut a series of inflammatory reactions that are the cause of inflammatory bowel disease . The health benefits of tea
Effects on halitosis . The health benefits of tea
At the University of Illinois at Chicago researchers reported thatpolyphenols help prevent the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath. Disorders of iron overload. The health benefits of tea
Researchers have found that in Germany, a cup of black tea a day can help stop excess iron , which destroys the bodies of people who suffer from blood pigment ( Imokromatoziz ) due to the high content of flavonoids ( a common mistake for tannin ), which limits the absorption of iron . The health benefits of tea |
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