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How HM can reduce the cost of Levant health

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How HM can reduce the cost of Levant health 
human health care
human health care
human health care

With two-thirds of the total costs of health care associated with poor behaviors , changing employee behavior would be a logical and reasonable to reduce or control the rising costs of health care transition . However, these costs continue to walk the inflation rate and drain line .        human health care 
Many companies have the best chance to reverse this trend through their HR departments . Of course, this may mean that those inside and outside the service can change your beliefs . 
        human health care 
The main belief is to be changed , knowledge is power. Having knowledge alone does not change the results. Individuals must apply what they have learned and may have to do many times before it becomes a habit, where the action takes place almost unconsciously, without thinking appears. 
        human health care 
Change this belief in applied knowledge is the source of sustainable energy is the first step . Then and only then the actions ( behaviors) , modified to achieve the desired results . 
Many in the human resource management are responsible for the Employee Assistance Program ( LEAP ) . These programs range from child care to exercise, even for those in mourning. 
        human health care 
The EARP can be the vehicle to dramatically reduce the cost of health care when attention is directed toward behavior. A secondary reason for concentrating on behavior is to examine the literature on health services for preventive care . The New England Journal of Medicine in an article published in 2008 , found "a little" less than 20 percent of preventive services [] that were examined save money , while the other wants costs. "Further studies of the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society suggested even lower savings of 10 % for preventive services such as monitoring blood pressure measuring cholesterol in people with high risk of heart disease. 
Preventive care does not reduce the rising costs of health care, because it is not given to behaviors that cause these problems well . With three quarters of all the costs associated with health care at one of four cardiovascular disease, cancer , diabetes and obesity , the focus on behavior is the only logical way to reduce this enormous responsibility to drain profits. 
  human health care 
One of the best solutions is to put everyone through a process of developing self-direction , where the focus is on the evolution of beliefs (attitudes ) in combination with goal setting and achieving goals. When a plan of action began , it was very emotionalized for the individual, amazing results occur. Many employees have not invested the time to plan your future. In fact , most of them with administrators more importance to the list of writing everyday purchases that their future plans. These people live very similar to the character Wimpy in Popeye moment overweight said. " You willingly pay Wednesday for a hamburger today " 
        human health care 
What if an organization with only 50 employees and average married reduced their estimated $ 435,000 to $ 150,000 the first year and continued to reduce premiums average annual premium? Using the National Health Coalition ( CHIC ) 2008 statistics , an annual award in 2008 for a single employee was $ 4,700 . If the employee was married and had two son , the premium increased to $ 12.700 . This fictitious company would have considered a quality health care to nearly half a million dollars is increasing at twice the rate of inflation according to the " CHIC . Seventy percent of the $ 435,000 is $ 304.500 and the half is $ 150,000. 
        human health care 
If the EARP focused on changing behavior through a self- management with an investment of $ 1,500 by the human development process , it would be a 2-1 return on investment . Although further strengthening was launched in coaching, behavioral changes justify the financial investment 
        human health care 
The human resources department can become the core value focus on reducing costs and any organization, reducing the cost of health care . Of course , it may be easier, but having a workforce healthy with greater profitability , and potentially a culture of high performance work worthwhile . 
        human health care 
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Read the new book by Leanne in the book of sales training . Both the red jacket in the sea of gray suits , the key to unlock the bestseller. 
        human health care 

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