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Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment : New 

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatment
Hair Loss Treatment

In this thread Nattily general tips on how to nourish hair and , God willing, we will correct some of the misconceptions , which is located where a lot of girls and women ... 
The first error is when many of the girls is because they believe that the hair is fed from the outside creams and shampoos and paints and other .. and this is a big mistake .. It is true that some hair products Foreign could gain some vital and abundance by stimulating the scalp and follicles hair , but that food is the main hair from the inside .. any of the inside of the body through what is fed by the body itself. 
And the second error lies in it as well as some of the girls is that they do not eat fresh fruits and vegetables , while dependent to a large extent - the university as students - on modern cuisine manufacturer Alhambra and chips and canned juices and other food -free vitamins , minerals, containing chemicals .. . they do to their hair DUNS perhaps unwittingly . 
Food in four very important for the body in general and poetry in particular opine what we recommend taking it in several food programs , in particular those who suffer hair fallen to him or vulnerable 
Yeast Baking : 
Is one of the foods rich in many important nutrients for the body. 
It is rich in vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts public and is considered one of the richest food vitamin "B" compound essential to the health and vitality and durability of the hair as previously explained . 
The yeast is a rich source of folic acid and biotin , zinc and chromium .. all of which are essential elements for the growth and integration of the skin and hair. 
Another important food for healthy hair It contains protein and vitamin B and vitamins A, D , C wand B vitamins are all important hair . 
If we add to milk curd honey brown increased nutritional value and usefulness of the hair . 
Wetlands : 
Attending the wetlands of wheat , milk, in addition to nuts , raisins and humans ( coconut ) . This composition be wetlands meal rich in many important nutrients needed to keep the hair without the fall they are rich in vitamin (a) , (e ) , (b ) compound and other it is also rich in vitamins, iron and calcium , as well as silicon , which increases the gloss and strengthens hair . 
Element of the richest iron from foods such easy absorption and who benefits by the body well . 
So the liver of good foods to fight and resist the iron-deficiency anemia , accused the occurrence of fall and weak hair . 
The liver contains vitamins and minerals important for hair vitamin niacin such as " 12 " and Bennett biotin and folic ! ! 
All elements are very important for healthy hair and protect it from falling . 
Not a few percentage of people reluctant to eat fresh vegetables or cooked and the proportion of other exposure from eating some fruit . 
It is known that fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins needed by the body in general and poetry in particular. 
Therefore , we find that those people exposed for fruits and vegetables in the usually suffer from problems in the skin or hair. 
Advised to complain of hair fall interest in addressing the following fruits and vegetables 
Dark leafy vegetables : spinach , mallow , expert , pursuance . 
Fresh vegetables such as watercress, carrots , green pepper , tomatoes , parsley . 
Cooked vegetables such as peas , beans , okra . 
Fresh fruits such as guava , apples , oranges , apricots . 
This group of foods rich in vitamin " B-2 " vitamin " by 6 " vitamin " c " .. 
It is extremely important vitamins for healthy hair and keep it from falling and embattlement .

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