Whether you want to be a healthy role model for your children, or you just want to be fit enough to chase them around the playground, kids’ endless energy can inspire you to get moving and get more energy to keep up with them.
Plus, when you are active with your children, you are setting a good example to be healthy and exercise.
Here are five ways you can get some exercise in while you’re playing with – or chasing – your children.
Use the Playground as Your Outdoor Gym
It's easy to sit on the bench and watch the little ones play on the playground, but it’s more challenging to get in a workout while they play.Use the monkey bars for pull-ups, use the bottom of a slide for triceps dips, or get on the ground for some push-ups. You don’t need fancy equipment to strength train – your own body will do just fine. So make the most of the time at the playground and get moving.
Invest in a Jogging Stroller
Can’t get a sitter to watch the kids while you work out? Take the kids with you!Unlike the plastic wheels in a typical stroller, jogging strollers have air0filled tires, which means they are easier to push during a jog – even on a mulched trail in the park or a gravel walkway.
They are also easier to direct and have safety features like a brake strap and reflectors built into their design so you can feel safe walking and jogging with your baby.
Some areas even offer special “Stroller Workout” classes at local parks that incorporate the baby jogger (and your baby) in the workout. Check your local parks’ websites to see if they are offered near you.
Sure, it sounds simple, but you can get a great workout playing soccer, basketball – even tag – with your kids. Or take out the bikes for a family bike ride. Kids not old enough to ride on their own? Push them in a tricycle, or help them learn to ride their own bike.Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise to get the biggest benefit - even if it means you’re “It” for the duration of the game.
There is nothing wrong with an impromptu dance party in the kitchen with your kids! While you dance your way through a workout, make sure to incorporate some squats, lunges and core moves to ensure you’re working out your entire body.Use Your Kids as Weights
Like any weight, kids can help you strengthen your muscles! Put your baby in an over-the-shoulder carrier and go for a walk, or do some simple leg lunges and squats. You’ll need the strength when he gets bigger and you’re lifting him in and out of the crib.Lose Weight at Penn Medicine
Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.
Register for a free information session today.
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