“One of the best things you can do if you feel like you are about to overeat or binge is to remove yourself from whatever environment you are in at the time,” says Dr. David Sarwer, member of the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program and Director of the Stunkard Weight Management Program. “If you can distract yourself with another activity for 20 to 30 minutes, the urge to binge may disappear.”
Here are 15 things you can do if you feel a binge coming on. Some of these are obvious, but sometimes it's helpful to have them written down.
- Go for a walk.
- Write in your weight-loss blog.
- Check the mail.
- Call someone special like a friend, parent or spouse.
- Clean something.
- Weed your garden.
- Drink a glass of water.
- Challenge yourself to see how long you can hold a plank position.
- Log on to Pinterest and get some visual inspiration from Penn’s Weight-Loss Tip Board.
- Clean out your closet.
- Remind yourself how far you’ve come.
- Remind yourself how a binge makes you feel.
- Say a prayer or meditate.
- Write an email.
- Share your status with your friends on Facebook, or join Penn Weight Loss on Facebook for support.
Lose Weight at Penn Medicine
Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.
Register for a free information session today.
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