A new study from Penn Medicine finds it can, but it's even better when employees compete for the money, CBS 3 reports.
Employees at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia took part in a study about how much weight people can lose when offered money as a reward. Those in the study lost three times as much weight when awards were based on the group's performance -- not just their own.
“No question, hands down the individuals in the group incentive did much better,” said study co-author David Asch, MD, MBA, professor of medicine and executive director of the Penn Medicine Center for Innovation.
Win Cash for Losing Weight with HealthyWage
A new program called HealthyWage helps people win money for losing weight by offering different incentive programs to help you lose weight and win. For the 10 Percent challenge, you need to put in $150 of your own money. If you lose 10 percent of your weight, you win your money back… plus $150 more for a total of $300.
In the Matchup, teams of five lose weight and try to win the $10,000 first prize. The Matchup program is fun and extremely effective, offering team support, competitive motivation and significant cash prizes to make weight loss exciting and lasting. Most contests are open to anyone, but employees of corporate clients get reduced rates, motivation and lots of special attention.
And the the BMI Challenge pays up to $1000 to users who move from an obese BMI (greater than 30) to a normal BMI (less than 25) over a year's time.
HealthyWage also helps organize group weight loss challenges in the workplace.
Find out more information about HealthyWage.
Would cash incentives help you meet your weight-loss goals?
Lose Weight at Penn Medicine
Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.
Register for a free information session today.
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