Check out these ideas from people who have lost weight, about how they celebrate milestones and pounds lost.
Make Jewelry

“I came up with something fun to do during my ‘active weight loss’ phase,” she says. “My hobby is jewelry making and beading. I started off with a length of chain and I added a link of three beads every time I lost three pounds. As my weight loss increased, and the number of links of beads went up, I eventually removed the chain and now it's just beads.”
Lisa also added a heart charm at the 100 pounds lost mark.
Buy Something Fun and Healthy
Amy is a fan of Penn Medicine Weight Loss on Facebook. She says when she lost weight, she invested in a new bike so she could get out of doors with her workouts. She says, “I bought a new bike so I can ride longer, faster, and keep the weight off.”Take A Second Honeymoon
To celebrate her 50-pound loss, blogger Maggie Smith is taking another honeymoon.“My husband said he'd take me anywhere. I still haven’t decided where to go though!” she says. Maggie also celebrates each pound lost by putting $10 in a jar to spend on anything she wants.
Jump Out of A Plane
Tyna lost 165 pounds after having gastric bypass surgery at Penn Medicine in 2011. To celebrate? She went skydiving.“I made a personal bucket list of things I always wanted to do and because of the limitations of my weight, they were not even an option. One of those items on my list was being able to go skydiving. As many things skydiving has a weight limit because you have to jump attached (tandem) with a professional and the parachute can only handle a certain amount of weight,” says Tyna.
“It was such a great feeling walking into the skydiving center in Florida overlooking Kennedy Space Center with a great friend with no question in your mind that weight would even be an issue! It was such a thrill and I am glad that I really get to LIVE the life I want now. Celebrating not only the pounds removed, but the options that you gain is an amazing thing!!”
Buy 11 Ball Gowns
Robin Elton lost 35 pounds last year. When she and a friend went to a benefit consignment sale that featured old ball gowns, prom frocks and wedding dresses, she couldn’t help but try on as many as she could.
I bought 11 ball gowns at $10 each,” she remembers. “I bought some because they were things I never could have pulled off before, and others just because I was like ‘Oh yeah! I'm down three dress sizes!"
Robin blogs at SimpleGreenOrganicHappy and you can check out some of her ball gowns on her Instagram page.
Compare What You’ve Lost to People, or Uncommon Objects
Another fun thing Penn Medicine Blogger Lisa Harris did was when her weight loss went over 100 pounds was to find people that weighed the same amount of pounds as what she’s lost, and take a photo of herself with that person.“I have pictures of me with my son's then-girlfriend, who weighed 107 pounds, my friend who weighs 140 pounds, and my cousin's son, who weighs 150 pounds,” says Lisa. “I also searched the Internet for items that weighed as much as the amount I'd lost and found some interesting things - like an empty file cabinet, an adult llama, a go-kart, and other items. It's hard to believe I carried that much extra weight around on me!”
Or Just Enjoy How Far You’ve Come
While losing 100 pounds, Kelly Brown had many plans of how she would celebrate.“I was going to buy a new wardrobe, buy myself an expensive trinket, and get plastic surgery to remove excess skin,” she remembers. “I've done none of those things because, when you lose 100 lbs, none of those things mean anything once you get there. I realized the rewards are the years you've added to your life and the health you've gained from meeting that goal.”
Kelly adds: “I will gladly continue to wear my Goodwill jeans, my knock off jewelry, and have flappy bat-wing arms for the rest of my life if it means that I will never weigh over 200lbs again. That's how I celebrate my achievement; by reflecting and finding satisfaction in everything I've accomplished.”
Kelly blogs about life and weight loss at The Turnip Farmer.
Lose Weight at Penn Medicine
Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.
Register for a free information session today.
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