Rather than get caught in cycle of not exercising because your knees hurt and your knees hurt because you are not exercising, here are some exercise ideas for your aching knees.
Spinning® / bike riding
Any activity that takes pressure off of your knees and back is a great exercise. When you are fitted properly for a bike and ride in a safe, correct way, your knees are protected. That’s because most of the weight falls on your seat – not on your knees like in walking or running. And, if you’re wearing special shoes fit for your body, they can help center the pressure on the ball of your foot and take the pressure off of your knees.Pros: Spinning classes are easy to join in and follow.
Cons: Bike equipment can be expensive, need to join a gym for classes.
Swimming / water aerobics
If you think swimming and water aerobics is for sissies, think again! Water exercises are extremely beneficial because the water acts as natural resistance to your body. When you work out in the water, your body is tasked to push against that resistance and build muscle. At the same time, the water makes you buoyant and takes pressure off of your joints. This is why so many fitness experts refer to swimming as the perfect aerobic exercise.Pros: An all-around great exercise for cardiovascular and muscular strength, easy on joints,
Cons: Must have access to a pool.
Most experts agree that walking is one of the best forms of exercise. You can do it anywhere, it costs nothing but a good pair of shoes and you can do it in any climate. When beginning a walking program, start slow – walk only 20 to 30 minutes at a time, three to five times a week. Gradually build up endurance by walking longer and more frequently.And if your knees are aching, visit a shoe store that offers shoe-fitting consultation. Finding the right support and cushion can help minimize your knee pain.
Pros: Can walk anywhere – no gym needed!
Cons: Must invest in a good pair of walking shoes.
Do you suffer from knee pain? What exercises have you found to be "nice to your knees?"
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