The All-or-Nothing Dieter
The All-or-Nothing dieter doesn’t believe in moderation – he can either have something or not, not even a small portion or a taste. This extreme thinking can be dangerous, and often sets the person up for a binge on the “forbidden foods.” One slip is all it takes for this dieter to deem himself a failure.Ideas for Change
Even dieters can treat themselves every once in awhile. Portion control is the key as is selecting the low fat version of your favorite treat.The Instant Gratification Dieter
This dieter is gung ho…for about a week. She spends hours at the gym, eats only salad, and wants one thing: To fit into a dress or look good for an event. This dieter is setting herself up for failure too, as it is difficult to maintain this kind of momentum for the long term.Ideas for Change
Make changes you can stick with. Be realistic as weight loss takes time.The “Perfect” Dieter
This dieter has a clear image of everything he has eaten all day – and all of it is good. He “forgets” the chocolate nibbled on after dinner, “doesn’t count” the dressing used on the very, healthy salad, and “loses” his food journal. But he steps on the scale, and can’t figure out why he is not losing weight.Ideas for Change
Research shows keeping a food diary, either paper or electronic is a must to help you achieve your weight loss goals.The Realist
The realist dieter knows what she’s doing. She tracks her food – even if she makes less-than-nutritious food choices. She is prepared; her pantry is filled with whole grain snacks, and her refrigerator is filled with fruits and vegetables. She is honest, and accepts the fact that weight loss is a slow process, and a lifelong learning experience.Ideas for Change
You’ve got it! Continue to practice mindful eating. Make exercise a part of your routine.What kind of dieter are you?
Learn more about how Penn can help you meet your weight-loss goals. Join us for a free information session about weight-loss surgery at Penn.
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