David Sarwer, PhD, director of clinical services at the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders and member of the Penn Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery team, explains why some people gain weight after weight-loss surgery, and how support groups at Penn can help avoid post surgery weight gain.
It’s hard for a lot of people to understand, but the fact is some people who have bariatric surgery – whatever the type of surgery – regain the weight they lost. People regain weight after bariatric surgery for a number of reasons, one of which is emotional eating.
We all eat and drink for different reasons. Some people turn to food in times of stress – or happiness – and use food as a coping mechanism. Their emotions surrounding food and eating have not been addressed and new eating patterns revert back to old habits.
This is why every patient considering weight-loss surgery at Penn is required to undergo a psychological evaluation before bariatric surgery. The evaluation is an opportunity to identify motivations, address psychological challenges that may contribute to their obesity or impact preparedness for surgery and arrange for appropriate follow-up support. It is not designed to be a barrier to surgery.
If you have gained weight after bariatric surgery, you are not alone. Returning to one of the program’s support groups may help you get back on track. Others may work with the program’s dietitians to improve their diet. Still others may benefit from revisional surgery for weight loss.
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