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7 Benefits of a Water Workout

It won't be long before many of us are donning bathing suits and heading to the pool or beach to get some hot-weather relief. If thoughts of putting on a bathing suit this summer have you stressed, maybe you need to shift the way you think and look at your swimsuit as your latest workout wardrobe.

Working out in the water – either by swimming, or taking a water aerobics class – has great body benefits. Here are 7 reasons why you should work out in the water.

Water provides all-around body resistance

Water is like weight training for your entire body. Even walking or running in the water provides great exercise because your body has to work through the water to gain motion. It engages all of your muscles so it has great cardiovascular benefits and strength training qualities as well.

Your joints are supported in the water

Because water is buoyant, your joints are supported while you are in it. Got aching knees? Try water jogging or kicking while holding on to the wall. Even doing light calisthenics while in the water takes the pressure off of your body’s joints.

You sweat less in the water

In the water, your body maintains a more even temperature – even lower than your own body’s temperature. You may even feel like you are working less even though your body is doing more.

You can enjoy the pool with your family

While your kids are playing in the pool, you can be in the pool with them doing your exercises. Get them to join you and have some fun.

It beats the treadmill

Many people report they find the water calming and soothing and that exercising in the water is easy on the mind as well as the body. If you are a serious swimmer, you can purchase a water-resistant belt that holds an iPod and headphones so you can enjoy music while working out.

It’s challenging

Most people are not competitive swimmers. Swimming laps may take some learning, but it’s a different exercise to add to your routine and change things up. TIP: Take a few swimming lessons to learn the right way to swim.

It’s fun

Water aerobics classes are a great way to work out in a group, get cardiovascular benefits, and enjoy the water for a cool down.

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