Did you resolve to improve your diet this year? Here are several simple suggestions on where to start.
Regulate Your Eating Behaviors
Simply put, this means make time to eat at least three (3) meals a day. If you skip meals, analyze why and start to adjust your schedule to eating three meals a day. Missing or skipping meals may contribute to poor food choices when hunger catches up with you and extreme hunger may lead to piling your plate with food and eating larger portions.Dine In
Limit dining out. Make an effort to eat more meals at home or bring your lunch to work. This will give you more control over the nutrition quality and calorie content of your diet.Make it special; try a new food or recipe. Invite friends to join you and help. Support is essential for success.
Avoid Calorie-Containing Beverages
Look at the nutrition facts label of the beverages are you drinking. Choose products that are calorie free or contain less than 25 calories per 8 ounce serving. Limit your juice consumption to 8 ounces a day. While fruit juices are good sources of antioxidants, the natural or added sugars can be a significant source of liquid calories.Be Active
Set reachable goals. If 30 or 60 minutes of activity at a stretch is impossible to fit into your schedule, or if you are unable to exercise for long periods of time, divide your total exercise time into smaller time blocks. Ten to 15 minutes of dedicated exercise time two to three times a day is better than none at all!Let Penn Medicine Help You Lose Weight For Good
Penn Medicine can help you lose weight.Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.
There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.
Register for a free information session today.
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