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What's the Best Time to Work Out?

best time to work out
Is there a best time to work out that will guarantee the best results? As soon as you wake up? Before dinner? After dinner? Right before bed?

The answer is yes . . . and no.

According to a recent article from the American Heart Association, the best time to work out is whenever it fits into your schedule the best.

Since the benefits of exercise come from consistency, it’s more important to find a time that you can stick with long term rather than trying to force in an early morning or late night trip to the gym.

Several factors should be considered when determining what time of day will fit your lifestyle the best, including location/distance to work out area, sleep schedule, type of physical activity, and social settings. If you work out better with a friend, find a time that fits both of your schedules, regardless of the clock. Not a morning person? Don’t bother trying to wake up an hour earlier; you’ll never stick with it.

Penn weight-loss surgeon, Gary Korus, MD, FACS, says “I couldn’t agree more with the American Heart Association. Our goal for exercise is between 200 and 300 minutes a week but some exercise every day is the most important first step.”

Any activity that elevates your heart rate for at least 10 minutes counts as exercise.

Dr. Korus adds, “Most of our patients would tell you they actually feel more energized once they get into a routine of exercise even if they start by walking 5 to 10 minutes a day.”

Lose Weight at Penn Medicine

Penn can help you lose weight.

Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.

There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.

Register for a free information session today.

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