You can read more about Susanne on her blog, Purl Before Swine.
I hate the idea of “New Years’ Resolutions.”
My second problem with the “New Year’s Resolution” is that resolving to do something makes life sound like it needs a complete overhaul year after year. The term is so loaded that I don’t even know anyone who has ever achieved his or her “resolution.” In my opinion, resolutions are for governments, GOALS are for people.
Third, we often fail to provide ourselves with even the most basic of road maps for achieving said resolutions. You might as well stand at the bottom of a sheer rock face without a rope and decide to climb. Just because we are flipping a page on our calendars doesn’t suddenly mean that the treadmill will no longer be the clothes rack that many of us use it as.
To get from point A to point B, it is really helpful to have some idea of where you are going, some knowledge of what obstacles might greet you along the way, and a few helpful tools in your back pocket in case you hit a really big pothole.
Have you made New Year’s goals? Are you sticking to them?
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