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Struggling to Lose Weight? SuperTracker to the Rescue!

Karen Buzby RD, LDN, member of the Penn Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery team, introduces a new online weight management tool to help people achieve and maintain their weight loss goals.
You have probably heard before that weight loss is a matter of eating less and exercising more. Easier said than done – right? Anyone who has attempted to diet knows that translating healthy lifestyle advice to practical changes isn’t always so simple or straightforward.

SuperTracker is a new online tool that can help you plan, calculate and record caloric intake and physical activity, making weight loss easier than ever before. As part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate program, SuperTracker is user friendly, interactive and contains a wealth of information to help you make smart choices about food and exercise. And it’s free.

Key features of SuperTracker include:

Daily calorie limit
- Calculated based on height, weight and personal weight loss goals.

Food tracker
- Record food items and portion size from an extensive database in an electronic food diary to review eating patterns and calorie balances each day.

Food group targets and graphs – Provides recommendations about number of servings from each food group based on a person’s daily caloric allowance. It also graphs food choices to show how dietary choices measure up to goals.

Personalized nutrient report – Customized reports of individuals’ average carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and mineral intake. Helps identify which foods to eat more of and which to cut back on.

Physical activity tracker – Compares weekly physical activity totals to pre-set targets for moderate-intense and muscle-strengthening exercise.

Virtual healthy lifestyle coach – Advice, inspiration and support from a virtual coach helps people stay motivated and reach their weight loss goals.

Don’t wait another day. Start tracking your diet and activity goals with the SuperTracker today! 

- Karen Buzby, RD, LDN

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