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Pregnancy After Gastric Bypass and Weight-loss surgery

Pregnancy is safer after bariatric surgery for women who were morbidly obese.

A recent review article in Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics supports this conclusion. The article examines weight gain during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure during pregnancy, and delivery related complications. These benefits are realized when women wait at least a year to year and a half after surgery before becoming pregnant.

Interestingly, infertility related to being overweight can improve rapidly and dramatically with weight loss. This can lead to early, unexpected pregnancies following bariatric surgery. During this phase of rapid weight loss women may not be able to provide the nutrition needed for a developing fetus.

"I reassure our patients that the evidence supports the fact that pregnancy and delivery are safer once their weight has leveled off with appropriate nutrition, 1 to 1.5 years after surgery," says Gary Korus, MD, FACS, Penn Medicine bariatric surgeon. "We still caution our patients that close attention is required to monitor their pregnancies."

Appropriate vitamins and supplements are essential during pregnancy but are equally important before becoming pregnant. Participating in a comprehensive bariatric surgery program gives you the best opportunity to receive the education and counseling to help make conception, pregnancy, and delivery safer.

Lose Weight at Penn Medicine

Learn about medical weight loss in Philadelphia, and the Penn Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Program at a free information session about weight-loss surgery in Philadelphia.

There, you will hear about your weight-loss surgery options, and how Penn can help you lose weight and get healthy for good.

Register for a free information session today.

Pregnancy after bariatric surgery: a current view of maternal, obstetrical and perinatal challenges. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012 Mar,285(3)559-66 DOI 10.1007/s00404-011-2187-0

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